
How to Tie: Paul Proctor’s Target Beetle

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In this week’s “How to Tie” video feature, Fulling Mill Signature Tyer Steve Carew ties a staple dry fly for this summer, Paul Proctor’s Target Beetle.

Learn About This Fly:

Difficulty: Easy

Carrying on with the trend of summer dry flies, I thought it would be appropriate to show love to another terrestrial species other than grasshoppers. Although hoppers are effective and exciting, they are not the only productive insect for fooling our trout friends. Beetles are popular on small streams and larger rivers alike, giving anglers the opportunity for explosive takes while wet wading in pure bliss. Paul Proctor’s Target Beetle is the fly focused on today as we dive into another summertime dry pattern.

Thankfully, most beetle patterns are simple and quick to tie, with this being no exception. The Streamer Straggle Micro UV will serve as an attractor on the underside, while the foam body will keep this fly on top like a cork. Using a handful of materials will keep costs lower for this pattern style and more attainable by novice tyers. From beginners to experts, Paul Proctor’s Target Beetle is one that can and should be tied this season.

Tying this pattern in several sizes will allow you to fish a wide spectrum of water from high mountain streams to larger western rivers. Fished on a floating line as a single or in a double dry/dropper rig will undoubtedly fool trout keyed in on top. Enjoy the opportunity of fish switching to terrestrials this time of year and bring an assortment of hopper and dry flies to the water. When selecting which to bring, Paul Proctor’s Target Beetle is one you simply can’t leave out of the mix.


Now you know how to tie Paul Proctor’s Target Beetle!

Video and ingredients courtesy of Fulling Mill Fly Fishing.

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