How to Tie: The Adams Dry Fly

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In this week’s “How to Tie” video feature, McFly Angler ties a classic pattern that every angler should be thinking of this time of year, the Adams Dry Fly.

Learn About This Fly:

Difficulty: Easy

Dry fly season is here at last, and it feels like a long time coming. It’s time to put away the nymph rigs and bobbers for the fall and break out your favorite topwater flies for the warmer weather. Essential dry fly patterns for any angler’s box include the Parachute Adams, Chubby Chernobyl, and Elk Hair Caddis. Another must-have classic is the Adams Dry Fly.

The Adams Dry Fly is straightforward to tie, requiring no intricate posts or complex steps. Anglers of all skill levels can tie it accurately, though less experienced tyers might need more practice. The density and size of the hackle will affect how high the fly floats, so selecting the correct hackle is essential to ensure it sits properly on the water. While not overly complicated, perfecting the Adams Dry Fly does demand attention to detail.

This versatile pattern is effective on both large rivers and small mountain streams. Sometimes simplicity is key, so tying the Adams Dry Fly in various sizes and body colors can be more effective than expected. When paired with a heavier point fly, it can serve as an excellent secondary dry in a double dry rig, tempting even the most hesitant fish. The Adams Dry Fly is a timeless pattern that deserves a spot in your summer fly box this season.


Now you know how to tie the Adams Dry Fly!

Video and ingredients courtesy of McFly Angler.

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